ARAB 438


Modern Arabic Literature:

Subject Description:

The course will give an overview of the so-called modern Arabic literature, its emergence and development from the beginning of the middle of the 19th century up to present day. It will have a closer look at the factors that contributed to its origin, development and definition. The most important parameters of various literary forms that distinguish them from previous eras will be discussed. Furthermore, the most prominent pioneers in this field and their works will be introduced, which will enable the students to identify their unique works and distinguish them from others.


Course Content:

- Introduction: the pre-modern era of Arabic literature.

- The most prominent factors of literature in the modern era.

- The pioneers of the era of modern Arabic literature in poetry and prose.

- The art of poetry, its schools, pioneers, most important elements, themes, and purposes.

- The art of prose, its schools, pioneers, main features, objectives, themes and trends.

- Narrative and dramatic art in the modern era.

- Examples for study and analysis.


Skills to be gained:

- Ability to define the concept of modern Arabic literature.

- Knowledge of the factors that contributed to its emergence and formation.

- Knowledge of poetry and prose examples of this era, as well as ability to analyze its distinctive features and attribute them to a specific author.

- Ability to recognize similarities or differences to and between different literary genres of the period, as well as ability to talk about their respective reception by co-artists of the time or society in general.


Assessment methods:

- work assignments on reading, analyzing and reasoning on the basis of the lecture, the texts and the parameters treated.

- the most important elements of evaluation: in how far was the subject matter understood, internalized, used for presenting and justifying one’s arguments.

- Periodic and final tests.


References of the subject:

1 - الدسوقي، عمر،  في الأدب الحديث، بيروت، دار الكتاب العربي، ط 7 ، 1966م.

2 - ضيف ، شوقي، الأدب العربي المعاصر في مصر، القاهرة، دار المعارف- 1984م.

3 - نجم، محمد يوسف،  القصة في الأدب العربي الحديث، بيروت دار الثقافة، 1966م.

4 سلمى الجيوسي: الاتجاهات والحركات في الشعر العربي الحديث ترجمة عبد الواحد لؤلؤة.

Last Update
5/14/2013 4:12:36 AM